

Local and CAST Governance
Local Governance - The Local Governing Board
The school’s Local Governing Body consists of 11 members. There are seven Foundation governors who are appointed by the Bishop, two Parent governors appointed by the parent body, the Headteacher and a Co-opted governor. The term of office for all Governors is four years..

Parent Governors are elected every four years or on the resignation of a Parent Governor (whichever is earlier). All parents of the school are eligible to be a Parent Governor and will be invited to nominate themselves for such a role should a vacancy arise.

The Local Governing Board is a hard-working group of volunteers who are passionate about education and give up so much of their time and energy to support the young children in our schools.

We have been fortunate to welcome new Governors to our school over the past 12 months who have been keen to learn about their roles and responsibilities and to take an active part of in the life of the school. If you would like to find out more about becoming a Governor, please ask.

Contact: The chair of Governors, Mr Bryan Dion
Sancreed Road
BH12 4DZ
The Role of the Governors

The School Governors at St. Joseph’s are parent, staff and foundation (Church) representatives who are very interested and enthusiastic about the well-being of our school, our pupils and staff. The Governing Body has organised itself to ensure that it meets all of its statutory obligations by having a named Governor responsible for undertaking a range of specific tasks.

They meet regularly and oversee the leadership and management of the school, providing expertise, critical friendship and a great deal of support to the school. Their chief concern is to ensure a high quality education for the pupils of St. Joseph’s and that the school complies with initiatives and legislation such as the Freedom of Information Act.

The minutes of each meeting are available for inspection in the school office.

Our Governors at St. Joseph’s are extremely approachable and welcome opportunities to share information about their business and to discuss school matters.
Our Governors
Chair of Governors
Contact c/o St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Mr Bryan Dion
Vice Chair of GovernorsMr Marc Crago
Foundation GovernorsFather Chris Findlay-Wilson
Mrs Jane Bruccoleri-Aitchison
Mrs Elizabeth Corbin
Mr Geoff Murphy
Parent GovernorVACANCY
Co Opted GovernorMrs Nicky O'Donoghue
HeadteacherMr Neil McDermott
Clerk to the GovernorsMrs M Barron 
Minutes from meetings of the Board of Governors are available to view by contacting the school's Clerk to the Governors through email: stjosephs@sjcpschool.co.uk