
School Meals

Hot meals are available to order for all children. Meals are free of charge for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 or at a cost of £2.75 for children in Years 3 - 6. All children are offered water with their lunch.

If your child has a food intolerance, please make sure you have emailed the school office with details - stjosephs@sjcpschool.co.uk

Children may also bring a packed lunch if they prefer, however fizzy drinks or sweets may not be included in their packed lunch.

We have children in school who have severe allergies to nuts, therefore we are a nut free school and ask that no products containing nuts are brought to school please, this includes chocolate spread.
Bookings and Payments
All hot meals need to be ordered and paid for in advance using our online booking system, Parentpay. If you have not yet registered for Parentpay, please contact the school office for your activation code.

If your child is entitled to free meals, you will still need to book their meals on Parentpay.

The deadline for booking hot meals is midnight on Monday for the following week's bookings. You can book up to the end of the current half term if you prefer, rather than booking weekly.
Parentpay Help
Free School Meals
School milk, drink and snacks

School Milk is available FREE for children under five and for around £15 per term for over-fives. To register either contact the school office or register your child here.

The school is part of the Government fruit scheme. This provides every child in Key Stage One and Reception with a free piece of fruit each day. Children are encouraged to bring full bottles of water (sports top) to school each day. Children are welcome to bring in a piece of fruit for morning break. Pupils are not allowed to bring sweets or products containing nuts into school.