

For a detailed outline of our school’s Information Report download below.
Poole Local Authorities' commitment and provision for children with SEND can be found below:
Ambitions for SEND at St. Joseph's

At St Joseph’s we have our children at the heart of everything that we do. Children with SEN play a full and active part in school life. We strive to ensure that they are prepared for their next stage of education by having access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We ensure that all children are challenged so that they can achieve their full potential and are ambitious in what they want to achieve. We are dedicated to ensuring that our children with SEN make at least good progress academically, as well as socially and emotionally. It is important to us that we support our children, not only academically but with developing resilience, independence and with the knowledge of how to keep themselves safe from harm, both in school and the wider community.

As a school, we carefully track the progress and attainment of our children with SEN, alongside their participation in school life and are proactive in introducing new, timely approaches where needed. We pride ourselves on providing high quality provision to enable children with SEN to keep up with their peers. Teaching is tailored to our children’s individual needs and is reviewed regularly to respond to any changes that may occur. At St. Joseph’s, we understand the importance of equipping our children with strategies that enable them to describe and communicate their learning and express themselves and their needs. Furthermore, we ensure that strategies are in place to enable them to take a full and active part in the wider curriculum. We promote and develop independence and ensure children know how and when to ask for support. We endeavour to provide targeted interventions for specific learning needs. As a school, we understand and value the importance that working together has on our children. We strive to build positive relationships with our families and support collaboration between, home, school, and outside services.

Here are some ways that children with SEN access our wider curriculum: 
Our SEND Universal Offer

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is committed to ensuring all children succeed and reach their full potential. All of our children are treated fairly and as individuals in their own right. We work in partnership with our children, parents and outside agencies to provide the best possible educational outcomes. We have high expectations for all of our children and provide support and intervention, where needed, to ensure they are successful and happy in school.

Children that are identified as having a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) are monitored on the schools SEND register, under the guidance of Mrs Nettie Hodson, the school SEND coordinator. Mrs Hodson can be contacted via the school office on 01202 741932, or email stjosephs@sjcpschool.co.uk

The teachers at St Joseph's will work with Mrs Hodson to create individual targets for the children. These targets are monitored on a termly basis and they also record the additional support and provision that the pupil is receiving.

Children can move on and off the SEND register during their time at school, depending on the identified needs and progress made.
Speech, Language and Communication Needs:

We have a very experienced Teaching Assistant - Mrs McMaster, who works closely with the SALT service and has received lots of SALT training to work with children in the afternoons. We are also running small language groups for reception children.

All classes have visual timetables displayed each day and environments/displays are language rich. Below is a visual timetable to use at home which may be useful. All staff have received vocabulary training.
Cognition and Learning:

Teachers differentiate their lessons to support learners working at different levels. Hands on, practical resources are used in class where appropriate to visually represent certain concepts.

For children that need additional reading support, Mrs McMaster provides additional practice for children across Key Stage 2.

Mrs Hodson is a specialist dyslexia teacher and assessor; listed on the British Dyslexia Association website. She is able to assess pupils in school and provide teachers with advice on how to support children with specific learning needs. Below are some ideas to practice spellings at home.

We can link with specialist school outreach services (Winchelsea and Montacute) to support children with more complex learning needs in school.
Physical Disability:

We work closely with the Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy services to incorporate individual exercise programmes into the school day. Mrs Keohan escorts selected children to special sports days and events at Victoria school and events in the sports inclusion league.

We have championed 'table cricket' during lockdowns now school is open again. Here is a link to a video showing the benefits of table cricket: Table Cricket video

We have regular support from the Hearing Support service to support certain children and we check rooms are acoustically supportive for pupils with hearing needs. We have a stairlift to access the music room upstairs.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs:

Wilma, our school therapy dog provides much loved support and care throughout the school day for many children.

We are lucky to have a trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA) to provide individual emotional support for children. This targeted support usually takes place over a 6 week block and then we can review whether further support is required, our ELSA is Mr McQuaid.

Mrs Hodson and Mr McDermott are the Designated Mental Health Leads in school and can provide direct support or advise other staff on how to support children.

We can link with Longspee specialist school to support children with more complex needs in school. and we can signpost to and refer to other specialist agencies where appropriate.